How to get help Brazil

Look how to get help brazil in 2022 and find out where to follow whether or not your benefit has been approved.

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In November 2021 the government started paying the Brazil aid, and he came to replace the Family Scholarship and also the Emergency Aid.

However, not all people received the emergency aid that were accepted in Brazil aid.

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Only who received the Family Scholarship who started to receive the new aid, so thousands of people are in line.

If you are one of those people, follow along to the end and see how you can get register in the new aid Brazil.

How to register

First of all, you need to know that the only way to get help Brazil is through the registration of CadÚnico.

This is because it is through CadÚnico that the government can find out about the families' information and whether they meet the necessary requirements.

And the necessary requirements to be part of the Brazil aid is to have a family income of up to half a minimum wage.

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Or else the monthly income cannot be greater than three minimum wages, which is equal to R$3636.

Then a family member should look for the Cras or CadÚnico unit in their city with the documents of the people in the family.

RG, CPF, birth certificate, marriage certificate, work card or voter registration card are accepted. You need at least one document per person.

But be aware that in some cities Cras service needs an appointment, so check with your city hall how to do it.

It is also important for those who already have a CadÚnico register to keep it updated for at least two years.

That way, if a new member was born, or someone died, it's important to inform in the update.

In addition, registration in CadÚnico is not only for the Brazil aid, but for every benefit that the federal government does.

Thus, even if it is not approved in the Brazil aid, it may be that at another time it will be approved for another benefit.

What is the amount of Aid Brazil?

after discovering how to get help brazil understand how the payment that is made works.

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For each family, the value may be different, because the benefit is the union of several others in just one.

For example, for families that have a student who has excelled in academic competitions, they receive the value of R$ 100.00.

Another is the payment for families with students from 12 to 17 years old who excel in school games, it also receives an amount of R$100.

In addition, for families that have family farmers, they receive the amount of R$200 per month, the same as families that prove employment relationship.


These benefits can be accumulated, as long as the families meet the requirements set out in them.

Therefore, as we said before, it is important that you update your CadÚnico data.

Brazil Aid.

Although, there is still nothing confirmed regarding when new vacancies will open, having the registration done is important.


You can follow up on when new vacancies will open on the official website of the Brazil aid.

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