Entrepreneur of Caixão, in SP, rejects growing from coronavirus deaths

For many entrepreneurs, the new global crisis caused by the new coronavirus can be an opportunity for growth and a lot of profits.

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However, not all entrepreneurs are seeing this as something really favorable, because in fact, many people will die (and continue to) die after this great crisis.

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On the other hand, beyond those businessmen and bankers who only think about profit, we are seeing a solidary movement grow across the country, men of capital becoming aware of how serious the moment we are living is.

Empresário do Caixão, em SP, rejeita crescer a partir de mortes por coronavírus

Is the coronavirus an opportunity for financial growth?

A lot depends on your perspective, if you look at it as just an opportunity for growth, it will not be seen with good eyes by society and rightly so, because many people are dying with this current health crisis.

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Businessman Cabrália Paulista (357 km from São Paulo) boasts (not on purpose) the title of capital of the coffin, with three factories of funerary urns in a city with just over 4,000 inhabitants and a trajectory of decades in the sector,

According to Folha, it is a denomination that its inhabitants claim to be proud of, but that they do not want to see that fame or the economy on the rise at a time when all countries are struggling to reduce the total number of deaths from the new coronavirus pandemic.

Covid-19 has made entrepreneurs more supportive

Even with the current crisis, he says he wants the natural cycle, not the increase in deaths due to the pandemic. Businessman Nicolas Andrade Cioni's statement caused strangeness in the environment that only thinks about profit, he was not the only one, one of the directors of D'Leoni, one of the three manufacturers of urns in the city and which employs 30 employees, thinks the same.

In Brazil, many businessmen are taking actions that were really not expected before, for example, we spoke last week here in this matter, the Carrefour's decision in reversing the profit that the company was making with the crisis, in helping the most needy population.

Traditional banks too, at least the top 5 banks, took actions that will benefit many of their customers, in addition to Itaú, which made a historic donation, the other main ones such as Banco do Brasil, Banco Bradesco, Banco Santander, lowered their rates interest rates on real estate and car financing, as well as making it possible for debts to be extended.

Interesting, isn't it?

Anyway, what do you think about it? Leave your opinion!

Source: Newspaper

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