Wuhan denies being a source of novel coronavirus, in response to US

After Trump's attacks, in denying the naturalness of the new coronavirus, inventing culprits for the pandemic. Several conspiracy theories were gaining more prominence in the press.

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Therefore, the director of the laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan, who has been accused by part of the American press of being the source of the new coronavirus, vehemently denied the accusations this past Sunday, April 19.

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As a result, China has come under increasing pressure on how it has managed the pandemic. The US government is trying to find out if the virus originated in a virology institute that has a biosafety laboratory.

 Wuhan nega ser fonte de novo coronavírus, em resposta aos EUA

Coronavirus – accusations against China

The official explanation from Chinese scientists is that the virus was likely transmitted from an animal to humans in a market that sold wild animals.

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But some conspiracy theories claim otherwise.

The germ would have spread from the Institute of Virology in Wuhan, specifically in the P4 laboratory, equipped to administer dangerous viruses, with a very high potential for contagion from person to person.

The director of the Wuhan laboratory said: "It is impossible for this virus to come from us," Yuan Zhiming said in an interview with state media.

Contrary to what has been said in the international press, he stressed that no employee was infected, he told the CGTN channel. He added that “the whole institute does research in different areas related to the coronavirus”.

The Wuhan institute also refuted the theories in February and said it shared information about the pathogen with the World Health Organization (WHO) in early January.

But for a change, during this last week, new rumors have surfaced in the United States.

In this way, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that US government officials are doing a “thorough investigation” into how the virus spread around the world.

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Source: Newspaper

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