US makes document against the use of chloroquine to fight Covid-19

Chloroquine has been the subject of intense research on the internet, due to the speech of authorities, such as the president of the republic, that it could be a possible solution, however, the statements have no scientific basis.

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During this entire period of deaths from coronavirus in Brazil, there are cases of different profiles that have not had any success with the treatment, such as, for example, doctors, teenagers, older people, intermediate, the vast majority or had a very negative reaction and others died.

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The big question that remains is: after all, why do people still have doubts about scientific methods? We know that it is difficult to answer this question, as there is a wave of science denialists in Brazil and in the world, but even so, we continue here working to bring the most reliable information to all of you on the portal. Digital Insurance.

EUA faze documento contra uso da cloroquina para combater o Covid-19

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Why is Chloroquine being rejected?

Fifty top scientists from the National Institute of Health (NIH, its acronym in English), including some consultants to the US government, released yesterday, on Tuesday, 21, a series of recommendations against the use of chloroquine (especially the famous chloroquine version )

In desperation for the return of the economy, and to combat Covid-19 in Brazil, many want to use chloroquine as a solution. – This idea has already been defended by President Donald Trump and, by extension, also by Jair Bolsonaro, although, after strong criticism, he has opted for silence on the subject in recent days, since the appointment of the new minister of health, Nelson Teich.

The research, of great influence in the scientific world, is being taken seriously by all European countries. Because it is published by one of the most respected health institutions in the United States. The study pointed out severe side effects of the compounds, with episodes of cardiac arrhythmia and even poisoning.

The NIH pointed out insufficient results

Chloroquine is a good drug against other diseases in which it has already been used, however, in relation to the new coronavirus, the case works differently, the virus is not a simple mutation of an existing one, on the contrary, it is really new on the market.

According to Veja's publication this week, upon learning of the report, and urged to comment on the results, Trump was ironic, in his nature. "I'm always willing to take a look."

However, as far as is known, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the United States, Anthony Fauci, who is also an adviser on the health decisions of the White House, never hid his aversion to prescriptions with chloroquine, without due proof of real effectiveness.

So my people, don't use it! It's dangerous!

Source: See April 

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