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  • Which countries opened trade even amid the coronavirus?

    We are all aware of the need to get the economy working again, but the crisis caused by the coronavirus is not easy to manage. Because there is no effective 100% cure that can fight the virus and give us security for normal activities, yes, the most affected are the oldest, […] More

  • Financial planning tips to help SPC debtors

    Having a financial plan is the first step you should take to start paying off your debts. Maybe you argue: first I need to have money, then plan, but it's not like that! According to scholars on the subject, you need to have a strategy first, to then start paying. The latest data from Serasa showed that […] More

  • Auxílio Emergencial não é pago por erro do aplicativo - O que fazer?

    Emergency Aid is not paid due to an application error – What to do?

    The Emergency Aid that the government promised, if paid correctly, would be a great relief for millions of Brazilians who are going through needing to buy basic bills. However, millions of Brazilian men and women have still not been able to receive the benefit due to errors and failures in the Caixa application and/or systems. What to do in this situation? You […] More

  • Due to the crisis of the new Coronavirus, Embraer shares plummet 14%

    No one imagined that the new coronavirus would disrupt international negotiations so much, right? Because this morning, the shares of some big companies in the market suffered big drops, but it's not the end! According to the portal, the value of this last week of April. Shares in Brazilian planemaker Embraer fell 14%, […] More

  • Bovespa operates at an increase of more than 3% financial market is encouraged

    The Bovespa continues this Monday at full height, financial speculators, entrepreneurs, market businessmen, are celebrating on the rise, it seems that the Government has a strategic plan to get out of the economic crisis. The B3, the main index of the Brazilian stock exchange, continues to operate at a high this Monday (27), following the climate of greater optimism […] More

  • Emergency Aid: savings withdrawals begin to be released this Monday

    Those who are anxiously awaiting the second installment of the emergency aid benefit can celebrate, as Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF) starts to release this Monday (27). We separate important information that will certainly help you who are in doubt. About cash withdrawals from Emergency Aid resources deposited in the bank's digital savings. MS according to […] More

  • Approved in the Senate: credit line for micro and small companies

    For those who were waiting for the line of credit for micro and small companies, they can be happy, because the Senate approved the project that was circulating for voting, but who is entitled to this line of credit? How it works. Before answering this question with reliable information, it is worth saying that amid so many bad events, […] More

  • Dólar hoje continua em alta devido demissão de Moro

    Dollar today continues to rise due to Moro's resignation

    Yesterday the dollar exchange rate reverberated across the country due to political tension this Friday (24th) which will certainly be marked as the great day in which a minister accuses a president and the present refutes the accusations. The controversial and praised departure of Sergio Moro from the Ministry of Justice led the currency to hit […] More

  • Crisis with Moro makes dollar hit R$ 5.58 reaching another historic record

    Due to the Moro crisis, the dollar opened up again this Friday (24), renewing historical maximums in nominal quotation. Everything indicates that this peak only tends to increase. The political tension surrounding the dismissal of the director-general of the Federal Police and the expectation of the announcement of his departure this Friday by Juiz Moro, is […] More

  • Exclusive Rubro credit card, the best option on the market.

    Nowadays, no one can live without a credit card anymore, right? Of course, there are many people who are unable to receive immediate approval, but our portal is here to say that yes, there are options on the market that can facilitate approval. The period of global crisis that we are going through is not […] More

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