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  • Government of Dória in São Paulo announces 'economic reopening'

    Dória's government in São Paulo, has been doing a very interesting job in combating the new coronavirus and administering the state so as not to fall into full chaos, his measures were critical and praised by his followers. But we know that yes, the Brazilian economy, supported by Casa Grande, that is, by those who have more […] More

  • Justiça manda bancos suspenderem dívidas de empréstimos de aposentados

    Court orders banks to suspend retiree loan debts

    The Federal Court of the Federal District made a decision that will benefit many retirees and pensioners, who took out loans in the form of payroll, the decision pleased many. According to this week's G1 publication, Justice, thinking about the good of retirees, determined this Monday (20) banks to suspend the collection of loan installments […] More

  • 2020 real estate financing interest rate

    Finding the financing interest rate in 2020 is perhaps an easier task than in previous years, for those who reserved that extra money to invest in property, this is probably the best time. Because we are experiencing a very delicate period in society, the new coronavirus forced all companies of all […] More

  • How to use the Caixa Tem App to move emergency aid

    The Caixa Tem App came to facilitate the receipt of emergency aid for informal workers, the unemployed, individual INSS taxpayers and MEIs. But to do so, you must register on the Caixa Auxílio Emergencial website or application and choose to receive the money in the Caixa Social Digital Poupança. We gathered important information with the step by step […] More

  • Covid-19: Bradesco and BB donate R$ 20 million for rapid tests

    Covid-19 has been the biggest concern of world authorities, as it has directly affected the functioning of society, as we know it, but how long will we live in these uncertainties? In fact, we do not know, however, many banks are taking steps to contribute to the fight against the new coronavirus that has already killed thousands […] More

  • How to pause Caixa Econômica Federal financing

    Many people are looking for how to pause the financing of Caixa Econômica Federal, due to the new global outbreak of the coronavirus, which has caused many businesses around the world to lower their doors. The five main banks in Brazil (Banco Bradesco, Itaú, Caixa, Banco do Brasil and Santander) have already reached an agreement […] More

  • Santander Financiamentos – Bank allows break of up to 60 days

    The new crisis installed in the world in relation to the coronavirus, forced Santander Financiamentos, which is the sector responsible for the bank's financing, to take new measures to ensure that its customers are able to pay their debts made prior to the crisis. Not only Santander, but other companies are working to avoid complete chaos in […] More

  • Covid-19: Serasa teaches how to generate extra income in quarantine

    Getting an extra income working from home is perhaps one of the activities that has been growing the most after the start of the new Coronavirus pandemic that has scared the entire planet. However, many people have no idea where to start. If this is your case, pay attention to the tips that we have selected from a […] More

  • 30% das pessoas que solicitaram o auxílio emergencial não irão receber, entenda.

    30% of people who requested emergency aid will not receive, understand.

    Contrary to popular belief, not all people who have signed up to receive emergency aid from the government will be entitled to receive it, as we said earlier, it is necessary to meet some requirements that were established by the government in order to be entitled to the benefit. This week, Dataprev (which is the company responsible for […] More

  • Amid the coronavirus pandemic, financial market rises, IBOVESPA rises 1.5%

    Even in the face of a very serious scenario that the whole world is going through, the IBOVESPA (Brazilian stock exchange) had an increase this last Monday, April 13th. According to information from Valor Economico, the Ibovespa closed higher on this one due to the news regarding the agreement of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries […] More

  • Embraer acorda redução salarial e suspensão temporária de contratos

    Embraer agrees wage reduction and temporary suspension of contracts

    According to Embraer, although nothing has yet been defined for employees in São José, most of the 16,000 employees have agreed to the terms. Last Friday (10) Embraer informed that the majority of its workers in the country accepted the proposals for salary reduction and temporary suspension of contracts. The measures, […] More

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