What to do in quarantine? Tips for taking this period more lightly

We're going through a very challenging period across the planet, aren't we? Try to rescue in your memory when was the last time that all of humanity was forced to be quarantined for long periods as we live in that moment?

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If you're reading this article in April 2020, you're probably in quarantine, no matter what country you're in. Therefore, the tips that follow may indeed give you an idea of what to do during this period when we are forced to be alone.

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If you arrived at our Digital Seguro post-corona portal, this article may also help you to have an idea of what to do in those periods when we are at home all the time, but don't know what to do.

Check it out now, special tips from who too is in mandatory quarantine and is making your time one of strengthening and growth.

Let's go?

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Start a Vegetable Garden at Home

This tip is for you who live in a house with a balcony or backyard, but never had the courage to start that garden that you wanted so much.

Maybe this idea has already crossed your mind, so, friends, this is the perfect time to put it into practice. It is known that having a vegetable garden at home is synonymous with health, an incentive to have a richer diet and thus improve the immune system. Furthermore, taking care of vegetables is a good activity to distract yourself!

Clean up your house, let go of old things

You always complained that you didn't have time to overhaul your house, but now you have plenty of time, don't you? If you are married or married, you call your spouse to “clean up”. Is single? Leave laziness aside, put on your favorite music, and renew the energy in your home.

Who doesn't love that clean smell? Yeah, what quarantine doesn't do my people!

learn a new language

There are thousands of studies that prove the benefits of learning a second language, no matter what language it is, your mind grows, it encompasses, you look at the world in a different way! It's powerful! Nowadays there are thousands of options on the internet that make learning any language easier!

Take the opportunity to take online courses, practice through chats, movies, youtube videos! You will come out of this quarantine, as IZA says: "come back stronger than before"

These are our 3 practical quarantine tips that will make a big difference in your life

Leave your tip too!

Source: Well-being

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