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  • ajudar a beber água pelo celular

    Reminder apps for you to drink water

    In the daily rush of work and tasks to be carried out, it is very common to forget to drink water during the day. Who never caught themselves at the end of the day remembering that they consume very little liquid, right? So, to solve this problem, some apps have been developed to help you remember to drink water during […] More

  • aplicativos para dormir bem

    Best apps to help you sleep well

    Sleeping well is part of the quality of life of every human being. If you don't sleep well, your body and mind will feel it the next day. Maybe with a feeling of being a little airy or feeling a lot of headache after a bad night's sleep. For this problem, there are some methods and tools […] More

  • aliviar dores musculares pelo celular

    Mobile apps to treat back pain

    Back problems are one of the most common causes of physical weakness. Currently, back pain is the most common cause of incapacity for work. Get to know the mobile apps to treat back pain. Most people are afraid of physical activity when they experience back pain, but reducing the level […] More

  • controlar depressão pelo celular

    Apps to manage depression

    Mental health during the novel coronavirus pandemic has been affected by many reasons: uncertainty about the future, fear of illness, loss of loved ones, economic instability and many other factors. Discover the apps to control depression and emotional stress. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to your emotional state […] More

  • medir a pressão pelo celular

    Apps to measure blood pressure on your cell phone

    Conheça agora os melhores aplicativos para medir pressão arterial pelo celular. O texto a seguir, te mostra como. Segundo a Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde feita pelo IBGE, mostra que 38,1 milhões de pessoas tem pressão alta. Sendo que esse número vem aumentando a cada dia, ocorrendo em pessoas que apresentam mais idade, como por exemplo, […] More

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